3 Questions to Ask Before a Big Purchase

We can have many different reactions when the time comes to make a big purchase. Some of us focus...

A Marquee for TXSE: What investors should know about the new Texas Stock Exchange

Eyebrows are raised and interests piqued at the announcement of the new Dallas-based stock...

How to Win the Great AI Race

Full disclosure, this article is not a list of companies with low Price to Earnings or Price to...

The American Dream Isn’t So Dreamy

For decades, Americans have idealized home ownership making it a pinnacle of financial stability....

Reviewing Your Paystub

Do you know when your next payday is? Most of us remember when we are set to receive our awaited...

Four Ways to Jumpstart Your Financial Plan for Success

✔ Consolidate investment accounts with a single trusted Financial Planner.Some investors believe in...

Financial Matters: Payment Options for College

Students who will begin college in the fall semester should receive their tuition bill a few months...

Traveling Soon? Consider These 4 Tips

We’re quickly approaching high travel season as temperatures rise, daylight lingers, and schools...

Apella Wealth Expands East Coast Presence with Addition of ClearLogic Financial

Wars and Markets

The escalation of tensions in the Middle East and the Israeli army’s campaign in Gaza has flared...